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Marcus Vinicius A. F. R. Bernardo

Marcus Vinicius A. F. R. Bernardo has a Ph.D. (UFMG-2021), master (UFMG-2014) and bachelor (UEL-2010) degrees in architecture and Urbanism. His graduation was focused on experimenting with wood construction techniques and collaborative design strategies. His master’s researched strategies for the use of low-cost digital manufacturing technologies in the context of self-construction in the favelas, including the use of parametric modeling and the adaptation of DIY CNC milling machines to assist non-specialists build with reused timber in a community workshop. From 2014 to 2015 he joined the Cidade e Alteridade group, researching the right to the city, collective autonomy and urban management related to urban resettlement cases in Brazil. In 2016 he worked as a multimedia educator at the Oi Kabum BH Technical School of Arts and Technology, teaching digital fabrication, interface design, interactive electronics and technology-related theory. Finally his doctorate focused on convivial strategies for collective design via cybernetics. Currently he teaches in the parametric design specialization course of the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (PUC-MG).

Contact: The Federal University of Minas Gerais, Rua Paraíba, 697 – Savassi – Belo Horizonte, MG – 30.130-141, Brazil.

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